Sapphire is one of the most sought-after gemstones. Its durability and rarity makes it one of the most adored gems for jewelry buffs.
Most people think of sapphire as a really expensive gem. But its price varies with its quality, and can range between reasonable to really extravagant.
Buying a loose Sapphire or jewelry can be very intimidating as there are so many factors to be considered from carat to cut and clarity.
Here are a few tips on buying Blue Sapphires, the most cherished of all sapphires:
1. Prior to making a purchasing decision, spend some time learning about how these gemstones are graded and valued. Grade 5-6 is considered decent.
2. Do not get tricked by digital images. They can be easily modified and may not reflect the exact quality of the gemstone.
3. Blue sapphire is pure blue with no overtones of violet or green.
4. The most chosen tones are medium to medium dark. And stones with uneven colors must be avoided.
5. Saturation is the amount of color in the gemstone. Saturation affects final price of a sapphire. The optimal saturation ranges from Moderate to Strong. It shouldn’t be too less as it makes the gem look grey and too much saturation makes it look dark.

6. Avoid explicit windows in a gem (A window is a major flaw in a gemstone and is seen when bottom of the gemstone is cut in a way that light passes through a gem rather than being reflected back).
7. Sapphires are sometimes by their names associated with their source place (popular for high-quality gems). Like Cornflower blue with Kashmir sapphires, Myanmar’s royal blue, etc. IT doesn’t mean that the gem itself is from that locale. And that must not induce you to pay for a high-price.
At KGK, our expert Rare Gem Specialists will help you pick the sapphire of your dreams. Make an appointment with one of our gemologists – we’ll be happy to show you what sapphire is all about.