“Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong…it is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideas.”
Gender diversity, a burning topic since ages found solid ground in the face of the trending #MeToo movement. It served as a stark reality of the need to liberate women, the need to stop objectifying them, the need to embrace their talents, the need to see them in equality with men. We belong to the age, where the notions of patriarchy are challenged, the wheels of change have been greased, and women are stepping out of their homes to fill the shoes of men. It’s time we all realize the power of inclusive workplaces, and the strength in diversity.
We at KGK, constantly aim to take thoughtful and enduring diversity initiatives for the benefit of the industry and employees as a whole. The idea is to instill an inclusive mindset within the workforce thus leveraging women as leaders in the corporate world.

What Does Diversity Mean?
‘Having a diverse, inclusive culture means creating an environment where people can feel free to be their authentic selves at work.’ quote-unquote Veronica Lakin.
We believe in the power of diversity and advancing women in the workplace. We uphold an inclusive culture, where people are recognized and valued through their potential and not gender, caste, religion, etc.
To make KGK an accessible place for everyone, we take efforts to harness cultural diversity and support a multigenerational workforce. Our company brilliantly holds an eclectic mix of ethnicities, religions, industry experiences, regional assortments and more.
We firmly believe that the inherent strength women workforce hold is unparalleled. To achieve the goals of development and peace, incorporation of women’s perspective and their active participation at all the levels is required. We make constant efforts to mainstream gender equality at our workplace and ensure equal opportunities for all. The exemplary contribution of women to ensure corporate governance and ethical behaviour can’t be quantified in numbers. Their relentless contribution is a testament to their hard work and dedication.
To stay relevant to our customers who belong to various walks of life, it is essential to nurture multiple perspectives and be representatives of a wider community. Acknowledgment of the fact that every individual in the organization can offer something different to the table is important to promote business profitability.
“The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.”
For innovation and business outcomes to flourish, KGK Group works to promote an inclusive approach, striving for excellence not only in leadership roles but across the global spread of our employee base. A pool of individuals with varying talents is a potential for growth rather than conflict.
We believe the efforts to drive change shouldn’t fall solely on the shoulders of a section of men; instead, it should be spread across diverse groups for a faster and refreshing change. We have realized the best way to utilize the real potential of the workforce is to offer them space which is free from bias, where women can take leadership roles and where experience speaks and not the gender.
We further ensure that different intellects coming together under competent leadership can achieve and maintain rapid growth, thereby setting a paradigm of embracing cultures and promoting collaborative growth.
‘To succeed, we must mend our ways and change the way talent and values are deployed within the organizations’
“All men and women and everything in between are created equal.” #BalanceForBetter
-Celebrating Women of KGK, Celebrating Women’s Day