As the nation comes together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (BMCHRC) which is managed by K. G. Kothari Memorial Trust continues to extend its humble services to the vulnerable communities and frontline workers. It is amongst the forerunners to assure the preparedness of food, safety and motivation, the dire weapons to combat the dreadful pandemic.

Cancer Care, the all-women’s wing of the hospital in collaboration with District Administration of Jaipur, India took up an initiative to distribute food packets to the people living in shelter homes. They have been feeding about 1000 people with ready-to-eat food, on a daily basis. Alongside, they are also serving the destitute with raw food wherever required.
Following the notification released by the state government BMCHRC is also ready with a 50-bed isolation ward to address the emergency if any. The ward has been built as per the set standards and is well equipped with all the necessary infrastructure required to take up the subject.

Parallel to serving in the interest of the masses KGK has equally prioritized the complete health and safety of its workforce and has taken all the necessary measures from masks to sanitizers to office hygiene to remote-work solutions. We at KGK strongly believe that the world will definitely sail through if we act swiftly and collectively with patience and equanimity.