KGK has invested significantly to commence its diamond manufacturing operations in Namibia in 2017. With ultra-modern infrastructure and a staff compliment of 40, this facility plans to augment its production capacity between $US 30 M to $US 60 M. For KGK, this promising growth path has resulted in attaining a status of accredited buyer of NDTC in Namibia.
By introducing this facility, KGK aims at generating workplaces, which are anticipated to increase to 100 within two years. In addition, to help Namibia citizens accumulate necessary skills to perform all functions in a diamond factory, KGK will use its experience earned in South Africa and elsewhere for transferring knowledge to Namibia citizens.

KGK has for many years been one of the leading manufacturers in Southern Africa investing in state of the art cutting and polishing facilities.
In 2017 KGK commenced operations in Namibia with a factory that is committed to implement robust beneficiation programs in order to attain the essential objective of growing manifold in the region. The production has started and a comprehensive skill development plan has been put into place to augment the skills of the estimated 100 Namibian employees by 2020. KGK is equipping this factory with up-to-the-minute infrastructure that will be competitive to any manufacturing facility across the globe.
KGK has over 25 years of experience in manufacturing and capabilities in the Southern African region along with an understanding to establish a competitive and a sustainable facility. The diamonds manufactured by KGK in Namibia will be distributed to its clients worldwide and this factory will soon apply to qualify for forevermark.
KGK is proud and excited to unwind this next chapter in their growth path and is committed to being a well-ordered corporate citizen in any jurisdiction it operates in.